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EnoSense® Presence Count for counting and detecting the presence of people in open areas and rooms

Our latest EnoSense® Presence Count sensor is used to count and detect the presence of people in open areas and rooms. The technology used here is an innovative combination of time-of-flight and thermal array sensors. The sensor sends its current count values every 60 seconds when the count value changes and generally every 15 minutes. Power is supplied either via Power Over Ethernet PoE, USB or a DC voltage in the range of 12 … 60 V DC.

Count people

The sensors at a glance

Thanks to a combination of state-of-the-art technologies, the EnoSense® Presence Count makes it possible to reliably count people in open areas or rooms without a camera. In addition, the technology also offers precise sensors for presence detection.

Time Of Flight (TOF)
Time Of Flight (TOF)
Laser Class 1, 940 nm Detection area: max. 7.0 x 3.0 m
Thermal Sensor Array
Thermal Sensor Array
Detection area (identical to ToF): max. 7.0 x 3.0 m
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Counting range EnoSense® Presence Count

The EnoSense® Presence Count is attached to the ceiling structure with 2 screws. The power supply is fed in from the rear. The sensor detects a rectangular area. The orientation of the sensor is marked in the sensor housing with an arrow in a rectangular symbol. A maximum area of 7 x 3 meters is detected at a mounting height of 4 meters. The resolution is 8 x 16 fields in all cases, regardless of the mounting height.

No cameras please

EnoSense® Presence Count - The latest technology without a camera

We have attached great importance to offering an innovative technical solution that enables people to be counted without a camera. The sensor technology used is based purely on distance measurement and heat signatures.
Small and inconspicuous

EnoSense® Presence Count - The sensor at a glance

The housing is made of durable plastic and has sufficient mounting holes in the base plate at the rear for ceiling mounting. The sensors are located at the front behind the three cut-outs in the dome and must have a clear view of the floor. The easiest way is to supply power via Power Over Ethernet / PoE. This is done via the RJ45 socket on the back. There is no communication via Ethernet. This is done wirelessly via EnOcean radio protocol in the respective frequency.

Schnittstelle Funk / Wireless interface / Interface radio


EU: 868,3 MHz

FCC: 902 MHz

Weitere Schnittstellen / Other interfaces / Autres interfaces

Service-LEDs 10x RGB / Service LEDs 10x RGB / LED de service 10x RGB

Servicetaster + Reset / Service button + Reset / Bouton de service + réinitialiser

Sensorik / Sensors / Capteurs

Time of Flight (ToF) + Thermal Sensor Array / Temps de vol (ToF) + réseau de capteurs thermiques

Spannungsversorgung / Power supply / Alimentation électrique

Power Over Ethernet PoE

USB (+5 V DC)

12 .. 60 V DC

Umgebungsbedingungen / Environmental conditions / Conditions environnementales

Betriebstemperatur / Operating temp. / Température d'utilisation:

0 °C .. +60 °C

Lagertemperatur / Storage temp. / Température de stockage:

-20 °C .. +70 °C

Luftfeuchtigkeit / rel. humidity / Humidité de l'air:

0 .. 95 %

(nicht kondensierend / non condens. / sans condensation)

Schutzklasse / Protection class / Classe de protection:


Abmessungen und Gewicht / Dimensions and weight / Dimensions et poids

Länge x Breite / Length x width / Longueur x largeur: 86 x 86 mm

Höhe / Height / Hauteur: 40 mm

Gewicht / Weight / Poids: 80 g

Zubehör / Accesories / Accessoires

Schraubbefestigung / screw mounting / Fixation par vis

DolphinView / Softwaretool EnOcean GmbH


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The following devices / options are currently available from us:


Order number


Article name




AL-460-00-868 EnoSense Presence Count white / CE (868,3 MHz)



AL-460-00-902 EnoSense Presence Count white / FCC (902 MHz)