CO2 traffic light - EnoPuck® CO2
The “EnoPuck CO2” CO2 traffic light can be used both as a stand-alone solution and in conjunction with a building automation system. Unlike many other solutions, the bright RGB LEDs make the light signal clearly visible at all times, even from a greater distance. The CO2 measured value is measured and displayed in the individual solution in the form of a traffic light (green/yellow/red), whereby the limit values can be configured using the BL-PC-FLEX-2 software. The integrated motion detector also enables the LEDs to be switched off when no one is in the room.
The “EnoPuck® CO2” CO2 traffic light supplies the following measured values via EnOcean telegram at configurable intervals:



Air humidity

The measured values

The CO2 traffic light “EnoPuck CO2” continuously supplies new measured values via EnOcean every 60 seconds with the factory default setting.
The EnoPuck CO2 requires an external plug-in power supply with 12 V DC voltage, especially for operating the internal LEDs. This is already included in the scope of delivery. On this basis, however, you can also configure the measuring interval for the CO2 measured value to a quick 10 seconds, for example. This enables a more precise data analysis than is possible with solar-powered devices.

The EnoPuck CO2 sends the data ex works under two different device profiles. You can switch these on/off separately and change the transmission intervals manually if required.
CO2 traffic light and measurement data acquisition
Calibration of the sensor
Schnittstelle Funk / Wireless interface | EnOcean EU: 868,3 MHz FCC: 902 MHz ARIB: 928 MHz NCC/KC: 921 MHz |
Weitere Schnittstellen / Other interfaces | RGB-LEDs, einzeln dimmbar / RGB-LED's, dimmable per color Servicetaster / Service button |
Sensorik / Sensors | CO2 Bewegungsmelder (PIR) / Motion detector (PIR) Rel. Luftfeuchtigkeit / Rel. humidity Temperatur / Temperature Vibration / Vibration |
Spannungsversorgung / Power supply | Externes Steckernetzteil 12 V DC / 230 V AC (im Lieferumfang) External power supply 12 V DC / 230V AC (included) |
Umgebungsbedingungen / Environmental conditions | Betriebstemperatur / Operating temp.: 0 °C .. +50 °C Lagertemperatur / Storage temp.: -20 °C .. +70 °C Luftfeuchtigkeit / rel. humidity: 0 .. 99 % (nicht kondensierend / non condens.) Schutzklasse / Protection class: IP20 |
Abmessungen und Gewicht / Dimensions and weight | Durchmesser / Diameter: 100 mm Höhe / Height: 28 mm Gewicht / Weight: 100 g |
Zubehör / Accesories | - |
The following devices / options are currently available from us:
Bestellnummer Order number | Artikelbezeichnung Article name | Zulassung Approval |
12301 | AL-602-01-868 EnoPuck® CO2 / CE (868,3 MHz) | CE |
12562 | AL-602-01-902 EnoPuck® CO2 / FCC (902 MHz) | FCC |
12776 | AL-602-01-921 EnoPuck® CO2 / NCC / TAIWAN (921 MHz) | NCC |
12782 | AL-602-01-921 EnoPuck® CO2 / KC / KOREA (921 MHz) | KC |
12792 | AL-602-01-868 EnoPuck® CO2 / SINGAPORE (868,3 MHz) | IMDA |